Thursday 6 October 2016

Textual analysis of the Kill Bill Volume 2 clip.

            The opening shot of the scene shows the Bride walking towards the camera through a Church as it tracks backwards, at a mid-close up, whilst also travelling at the same pace as her. As well as this shot starting off the scene, it also helps us to establish her mood and where she actually is. There is then a straight cut to the image of an open doorway as the music starts to play, showing us the outside world; we can see this from a static, point of view shot. This type of shot is used to show the audience the setting and where the sound is deriving from. There is then a second straight cut to the Bride looking around, whilst also showing her breathing heavy; we can see this with a static shot as she is looking around which then transitions into a slow, backwards tracking. This shows me her reaction to the music that is playing and that she is concerned or engrossed by it. In the next shot, we see the door way again, however this time, we can also see the Bride walking out to it and looking to the left. This is shown by a static shot of her back that transitions from a close up to a mid-shot and then to a long shot as she walks towards the outside world. The fact that we begin to see her whole body allows us to notice her stance and how she is standing up straight; this shows how she is feeling uptight and maybe even anxious about something.
           Additionally, after these shots, the camera straight cuts to the old man (who is in the foreground) and the Bride (who is in the background), however we also see the Bride turning her back on him. Due to the low angle that is used to show the distance between them, I get the impression that she is stubborn towards him and that they may have some large differences. Shortly after this there is a repetition of shots between the man and the Bride as there are many cuts back and forth showing the audience their faces. We can see this as every time the camera is on the bride, she is on the right side of the shot, whilst when we see the old man, he is on the left side of the shot. This shows that the two characters must have some kind of relationship, however due to the fact that the man is not looking at the Bride, we get the impression that their relationship is one of conflict and friction. From the simple fact that the duration of the shots gets quicker in this part of the sequence, I felt that it was building up to something, possibly dialogue between the two (This type of scene is similar to one that might be seen in a Western). After the repetition of shots, we can see that the old man looks back at the bride due to the fact that a close up shot is used at eye level. This shows how the old man is now ready to engage in conversation with the Bride. After this, the camera cuts to the bride standing and gazing at him meanwhile, we can also see a lot of negative space in the background because of a middle-long shot. This makes me think that they might have had something in the past that caused them to separate and live separate lives.
            Furthermore, the camera cuts to when the man starts to get up and stands across from the Bride; we can see this because of a mixture of a tilt and a pan with a continuous mid-shot. This shot is used to show the man starting to accept the fact that he has got to engage in conversation sooner or later or maybe how he wants to get closer with her. Mid way through the dialogue, we see the Bride walking towards him as the camera tracks a close-up of her feet from right to left, and this is the same for the old man however the tracking of his feet goes from left to right. This use of tracking shows how the two characters are starting to get closer and closer to each other which makes me feel like they want to regain whatever relationship they had in the past. After they are finished walking to each other, we can see their feet finally coming together by a close up and static shot of both pairs of feet. This marks the point where they have now come together and are in an intimate position. As the camera straight cuts to their faces, we can see the two of them looking at each other’s’ eyes because of the fact that the camera is at eye level and we can see a side view of their faces in a static shot. This allows the audience to acknowledge that they are interested in what each other is saying and how there is something that they maybe want to happen. After some dialogue, we can see the man’s face over her shoulder as a static shot. This allows the audience to see exactly what she sees and also shows us how close they actually are. Finally, the end shot shows us how she is now looking slightly up at him due to the fact that a close up is used at eye level and that it is an over the shoulder shot. This shot shows us that the tension is possibly now vanished between them and how she might even look up to him now as a role model.

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