Wednesday 28 September 2016

Studying mise-en-scene


Within this scene, we see the main character being put into a situation that is very overwhelming and shows her transition from being scared to determined to win. Performance is well portrayed by Katniss Everdeen (Jennifer Lawrence), as we begin to empathise with her and understand what the scene will entail. Throughout the clip, there are a lot of close ups to show her facial expressions at each part in the clip. From this, we get the impression that the surroundings are very overwhelming and we also get to see the transition from her being nervous, to her being determined to do what she has to do. Also, you can see by her stance that she is ready to fight and take part in the event that she is in, despite the fact that we have previously seen her facial expressions that had connotations of fear and terror.


In these opening scenes to, "Divergent", we are shown a lot of setting and illustrates ideas to the audience. The fact that we can see that the whole city is surrounded by emptiness, we can begin to realise that society has been secluded from the outside world and how a main theme of the film could focus on helplessness, isolation and maybe even segregation. There are some extreme long shots to show how the city has been ruined and possibly abandoned by society. This view could be used as a microcosm of the rest of the world. However, further on in the scene we begin to see how people in society have been separated from one another, due to the fact that we see people in their own environments. This could lead the audience to believe how each small group has been segregated because of their personality.

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