Friday 16 September 2016

Why was the film, 'Deadpool', such a success?

                Tim Miller’s film, ‘Deadpool’, was unexpectedly a box-office hit for a variety of reasons, including the fact that the lead was played by Ryan Reynolds. Over the years, Reynolds has starred in many films, including: X-men, The Green Lantern and most importantly, Deadpool. Whilst the majority of his films have been very well executed, he has also starred in a couple of films that did not stand up to our expectations, for example, The Green Lantern and his first role as Deadpool in the x-men films. These few films have led to the world wide curiosity of viewers, which ultimately led to everyone wanting to see whether his new film, ‘Deadpool’, was going to be shockingly bad or amazing.
            Furthermore, the fact that the film has many different themes, allows the film to appeal to a wider range of viewers. For instance, within the film, we see that a main theme is the fact that Wade Wilson is suffering from terminal cancer, which gives the thousands of cancer patients in the world the chance to relate to his character and fully empathise with him. Additionally, a second key theme is love; we can see in the film that Wade Wilson is willing to go to the extreme in order to win back his love, which is something that a lot of people can relate to.
            Moreover, the marketing that was made for, ‘Deadpool’, was a key factor that helped the film become more successful. The original idea for a Deadpool film was scrapped however, some of the test footage was illegally leaked and the reaction was enormous. This led to thousands of people becoming very excited for a possible film. The marketing team used the fans to hopefully spread their excitement to friends and so on. Despite the fact that the film was already popular, they wanted to exceed their expectations and so, they made billboards that were sexualised and even made a brand of emoji’s, which spread the eagerness for the film to the social media universe.
            Likewise, another reason to why ‘Deadpool’ was so successful is that it contains multiple genres which attract a wide variety of viewers. The writers of the film managed to combine a number of genres into one film in order to attract in as many fans as possible. For instance, it is a comedy, action, romance and adventure. Although most films contain one or two genres, this film contains four which is a unique feature of the film and is a one of a kind film. Many viewers saw this as a chance to experience a new kind of film and something worth watching, which is a reason to why ‘Deadpool’ is one of the most successful films that has been released.
            Also, Miller’s film was released in February 2016, which is earlier than when most marvel films are released. The majority of marvel films are made public around the time of summer however, Miller decided to release his film early in the year, which made a dramatic impact on its popularity. The number of people that wanted to see the film increased a great deal when they found out that the film would be released earlier than predicted as it had peaked their interest.
            Overall, Tim Miller’s film was so successful due to many reasons. The factors that increased is successfulness included: release date, genres, cast and marketing. It is clear that if these factors were out of the image, then it would never have been as successful as it actually is today.

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