Friday 14 October 2016

Reflective analysis of our film, "The Concealed"

Within our film, we used both the horror and thriller genres; these were included as they usually get the most reactions from the viewers. Due to the fact that nearby there was an abandoned floor in a building, we thought that this was a perfect opportunity that we had to take advantage of. A total of 10 shots was used with a variety of camera techniques. Moreover, after we had finished the production of our film we decided on giving it the title of, "The Concealed".

We wanted the title to give the audience a clue as to what the theme of the sequence would be, however we did not want the title to give away what the whole film is about. In order to go along with this, we decided on making the title very short so that there was no big giveaways. Although this gives a clear clue as to what the sequence is about, it also gives a sense of mystery to the viewer as they do not have an idea to what is 'concealed'. The title allows the audience to know that something within the building is in hiding, however it makes the audience want to know more about the film and what, or who is concealed from the outer world.

Additionally, we used a number of horror conventions to enhance the successfulness of our sequence. For instance; we used fears and anxieties through using low key lighting throughout the most of it as it is common to be scared of the dark, dissonant music was used as non diegetic sound throughout the sequence as this increases the tension in the audience so that they feel on edge and frightened about what is to come, treating situations were also used at the end of the sequence when there is a shot of the dangerous figure as it reaches out to the camera due to the fact that this can be seen as quite vicious and threatening; this engages the audience as they also feel a little threatened and intimidated by the character.

Throughout the film, we managed to include a variety of techniques that would result in a successful sequence. For example, the starting shot is one that is tracking down the corridor as we wanted to give the audience the impression of mystery and horror through the use of setting. There was an extreme closeup of an eye to show the emotions of the character so that that the audience has the chance to empathise with them. There was a closeup of the box that is being opened in the dark room so that the audience can see what the film may be entered around; this also allows the viewer to see the small details within the shot.

Film by Callum Kirk, Matt Smith, Emily Roberts

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